Roberts Radio Portable Radio RD 41 User Guide

DAB / FM RDS / MP3 / WMA / EPG digital radio  
with timed recording and  
Please read this manual before use  
Controls (top and front)  
18 17  
16 15  
1. Volume control  
2. SD card slot  
3. Treble control  
8. Info button  
9. Menu/Back button  
10. Mode button  
11. Tuning/Select control  
12. EPG button  
15. Preset 4/Fastforward button  
16. Preset 5/Repeat mode button  
17. Preset 3/Rewind button  
18. Preset 1/PlayPause button  
19. Record button  
4. On/Off/Power button  
13. Preset 2/Stop button  
14. Preset 6/Delete button  
20. Bass control  
6. Telescopic aerial  
7. LCD display  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
Controls (back)  
22 23  
21. Auxiliary input socket  
22. USB connector  
25. DC input socket  
26. Keylock switch  
23. Line out socket  
27. Battery compartment  
24. Headphone socket  
RD-41 Digital radio features  
The Roberts RD-41 radio provides the following features in an  
attractive compact unit.  
High resolution display  
Alarge display panel provides an easy-to-read clock display when the  
radio is in standby mode. When the radio is in use, the large display  
makes it easier to choose which radio station to listen to and allows  
text messages which are broadcast to be read without scrolling.  
The RD-41 can receive DAB and FM (with RDS) wavebands.  
Auxiliary input  
Electronic programme guide (EPG)  
information similar to that provided for digitalTV broadcasts. The EPG  
typically provides programme information for up to seven days.  
The RD-41 can be used as an amplifier and loudspeaker system for  
external MP3 players, compact disc players and similar devices.  
Headphone output  
A standard 3.5mm headphone socket is provided for private  
SD card  
An SD card can be used in your radio for recording, playing back  
previously recorded radio programs or playing back MP2, MP3 and  
WMA files transferred from a PC.  
Line output socket  
A standard 3.5mm Line output socket is provided for connecting the  
audio signal from the radio to an external amplifier or recorder.  
Record timers  
The RD-41 has twelve timers which can be used to record from DAB  
radio to SD card. Timers may be set using the Electronic Program  
Guide (EPG), or to specified times. The timers allow repeated  
recordings to be made of broadcast series (daily, weekly, weekdays  
or weekends).  
USB socket  
Your radio has a USB connection to connect your PC. The USB port  
can be used to copy files to and from your SD card.  
The RD-41 has twelve alarms which can be set to wake you to either  
a radio station, playlist (SD card files) or a buzzer.  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
Battery operation  
1. Remove the Battery cover on the rear of the unit by pushing  
battery door in and downwards.  
2. InsertsixLR20(Dsize)batteriesintothespacesinthecompartment.  
Take care to ensure all batteries are inserted with the correct  
polarity as shown inside the battery compartment. Replace the  
battery cover.  
3. Reducedpower,alowbatteryindicator  
sound are all signs that the batteries may need replacing.  
4. If the radio is not to be used for any extended period of time it is  
recommended that the batteries are removed from the radio.  
IMPORTANT: The batteries should not be exposed to excessive heat  
if possible be taken to a suitable recycling centre. On no account  
should batteries be disposed of by incineration.  
Using the AC adaptor  
1. Place your radio on a flat surface and insert the adaptor plug into  
the DC socket located on the left side of your radio. The adpator  
for use with your RD-41 should provide 9 volts DC output at 1.2  
amps, centre pin positive.  
2. Plug the adaptor into a standard 13 amp mains socket outlet.  
Whenever the adaptor is used the batteries are automatically  
We would recommend for economy that your radio is used via the  
use only.  
IMPORTANT: The mains adaptor is used as the means of connecting  
the radio to the mains supply. The mains socket used for the radio  
must remain accessible during normal use. In order to disconnect  
the radio from the mains completely, the mains adaptor should be  
removed from the mains socket outlet completely.  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
Using your radio for the first time - DAB  
Your radio is supplied with a mains adaptor  
1. Place your radio on a flat surface. Insert the adaptor plug into the  
DC socket located on the rear of your radio.  
2. Fully extend the telescopic aerial. The aerial should be fully  
extended and positioned for optimum reception.  
3. Plug the adaptor into a standard 13 amp mains socket outlet.  
4. When your radio is first switched on the display will show  
"Roberts" and a quick scan of UK band III DAB and FM channels  
will be carried out. Note that if the radio has been used before  
the last used mode will be selected.  
5. DuringAutoTuneaseachgroupofstationsisdetected thedisplay  
will show the number of stations found and a bargraph indicating  
progress of the Autotune.  
6. When theAuto Tune is complete the first station (in numeric-alpha  
order 0...9...A....Z) will be selected.  
7. If the station list is still empty after the DAB Auto Tune your radio  
will display "No Signal".  
8. If no signals are found it may be necessary to relocate your radio  
to a position giving better reception.  
Operation modes  
Your radio has 3 operation modes, DAB, FM and Playlist mode.  
1. Press the Mode button to change the operation mode between  
DAB, FM and Playlist.  
DAB mode is used for listening to Digital Radio broadcasts and  
for recording programmes to a memory card.  
FM mode is used for listening to FM radio broadcasts.  
Playlist mode is used to play back digitally recorded programmes  
and for listening to MP3 and WMA audio files.  
Operating your radio - DAB  
1. Fully extend the telescopic aerial. The aerial should be fully  
extended and positioned for optimum reception.  
2. PressthePower/Standbybuttontoswitchonyourradio.Iftheradio  
has been used before, the last used mode will be selected.  
3. If necessary, press the Mode button until DAB mode is  
4. The radio will then tune to the DAB station most recently listened  
to. The display will show the station name in the first line of the  
display and other information in the second line.  
5. If no signals are found "No Signal' will be displayed and it may  
be necessary to relocate your radio to a position giving better  
reception. You should then carry out an autoscan to find stations  
as described on page 9.  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
Selecting a station - DAB  
1. Fully extend the telescopic aerial.  
2. Press the Power/Standby button to switch on your radio.  
3. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until the station list appears.  
4. Continue to rotate the Tuning/Select control until the required  
station is highlighted on the display.  
5. Pressandrelease theTuning/Selectcontroltoselectthestation.  
The required station will be selected and after a few seconds the  
station name will appear on the display.  
6. Adjust the Volume, Bass and Treble controls to the required  
Note: To return to the normal display mode from the station list  
without selecting a station press and release the Menu/Back  
button or simply wait a few seconds.  
Finding new stations - DAB  
As time passes new stations may become available. To nd new stations  
proceed as follows:-  
1. Press the Mode button until the DAB mode is selected.  
2. Press the Menu/Back button to enter the main DAB menu.  
3. RotatetheTuning/Selectcontroluntil"Stations"ishighlightedon  
the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select control and  
the stations menu will appear on the display.  
4. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until "Autoscan" is highlighted  
on the display. Press and release theTuning/Select control.  
5. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until "Band III" is highlighted  
on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
6. YourradiowillcarryoutascanoftheentirebandIIIUKfrequencies.  
"Station Scan" will appear on the display. A progress bar will be  
shown on the display indicating autotune progress and number  
of stations found.  
7. ThescancanbecancelledatanytimebypressingtheMenu/Back  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
Manual Tuning - DAB  
Manual tuning allows you to tune directly to the various DAB Band III  
channels. UK DAB stations are currently located in the range 11B to  
1. Press the Mode button until the DAB mode is selected.  
2. Press the Menu/Back button to enter the main DAB menu.  
3. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until "Stations" is highlighted  
on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select control the  
stations menu will appear on the display.  
4. RotatetheTuning/Selectcontroluntil"Manualtune"ishighlighted  
on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
5. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until the required channel is  
highlighted. If the channel can be received the Ensemble (group  
of stations) name will appear. The radio will attempt to tune to  
one of the stations. The service database will be updated and the  
display will show the station name. The new station will be added  
to the list.  
6. You can exit the Manual tune mode by pressing the Menu/Back  
Note: Manual tuning can also be access simply by pressing and holding  
the Tuning/Select control while tuned to a DAB station with the normal  
radio station name display.  
Secondary services - DAB  
1. Whentransmitted, secondaryserviceswillbeaddedtotheservice  
list and will appear indented beneath their associated primary  
service. They can be selected by pressing the Tuning/Select  
2. The secondary service icon will appear in the display.  
3. Afterasecondarybroadcasthasnished,theradiowillautomatically  
re-tune to the associated primary service.  
Display modes - DAB  
Your radio has two display modes when listening to DAB. The default  
display is a full information display which shows station name, signal  
strength, program type, date and time, and a mains / battery status  
indicator. An optional full text display shows a full text display which  
the broadcaster may use to provide information related to their  
1. Press the Info button to display the full text mode. If there is  
more information than can be fitted into the display, rotate the  
Tuning/Select control to scroll the text up or down.  
2. Press the Info button again to return to the full information  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
Using your radio's Pause Plus feature - DAB  
How many times has your favourite radio station been interrupted  
by that phone call from a double glazing firm or someone selling  
that must have item? Sound familiar? With a single press of the  
button you can put your favourite station on hold while  
you answer that important call. After the call or other important  
task is finished simply press the  
button to return to  
your favourite station exactly where you left off so that you never  
miss a single word.  
Radio stations can effectively be put on hold for typically 5  
Note the  
feature only operates on the DAB  
1. Toplaceyourradioin  
button, the sound from the loudspeaker will be muted. The length  
of the delay is shown on the right hand side of the display. The  
additional possible delay time will show on the left hand side.  
If the radio is paused and the buffer becomes full then the radio  
will automatically start to play audio again.  
2. Toreturntotheradiostationthatyouwerelisteningtosimplypress  
button and your radio will continue playing from  
where you left off. The display will show the amount by which you  
are behind real time together with the remaining pause time.  
3. Toreturntoreal-timelisteningpressandreleasetheTuning/Select  
control, the radio will revert to the normal station name display.  
Pause Plus Rewind and fastforward - DAB  
1. As soon as you switch on your radio the  
feature is  
working silently in the background so if, for example, you want to  
hear a news item again press the Pauseplus button. Press the  
Rewind or Fast Forward button or rotate the Tuning control  
to scroll forward or backward to the item you wish to listen to.  
The display will show the amount of time you have scrolled back  
together with the maximum time you can rewind back to.  
Note the rewind memory only starts when your  
radio is switched on.  
2. To return to real-time listening press the Tuning/Select  
3. The rewind memory capacity is approximately 5 minutes.  
Note the  
rewind feature only operates on the DAB  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
Using an SD memory card with your radio  
An SD card can be used in your radio for recording, playing back  
previously recorded radio programs, or playing back MP2/MP3/WMA  
files transferred from a PC.  
Depending on the radio station a 512MB SD card will give typically  
8 - 16 hours of recording time. If you are using a new SD card ensure  
that it is formatted correctly (see page 28)  
Many different brands and capacities of SD card are available. Your  
RD-41 can use cards up to 2 GB. However, there are many different  
card variants available and not all cards can be guaranteed to work  
in the RD-41. In this application there is no performance benefit in  
using high-speed cards. Note that the RD-41 is not compatible with  
very high capacity cards using the SDHC standard.  
Inserting and removing a card  
To insert an SD card into your radio carefully push the card into the  
SD card slot until it clicks. The card must be inserted gold contacts  
first and with the label side to the rear of the radio. The SD card slot  
is on the top left side of your radio.  
To remove the card push the card in slightly and the eject mechanism  
will lift it slightly allowing easy removal.  
Note: The SD card should not be removed during a recording as  
damage or corruption of files on the card may occur.  
Recording a radio program (DAB only)  
1. Tune to the DAB station you want to record.  
2. Press the Record button to start recording. The record icon  
will flash in the display.  
3. Press the Record button to stop recording. The recording will  
be saved on your SD card.  
4. The recording showing the station name, date and time will be  
added to your playlist. (see page 31)  
Note: Recordings can be set in advance using the Electronic Program  
Guide EPG (see page 35) or by setting up a timed recording (see  
page 17).  
If your radio is not recording correctly check the following:  
The card is the correct format (reformat as described on  
page 28).  
The card has enough recording space available.  
The card has not become corrupted (possibly by removing the  
card during recording). Reformat the card if necessary.  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
Timed recording - DAB  
Note: Timer record is only available on DAB via SD card and is  
provided for personal use only.  
Your radio has twelve recording timers which can be set to activate at  
different times and with five different day options.  
1. Insert anSDcardwithsufficientcapacityfortherequiredrecording  
(approx. 64MB per 1 hour at 128 kbits/sec, or 2 hours at 64 kbits/  
Note: If you do not insert an SD card your recording will not take  
place and a warning "Memory card not detected" will be shown  
on the display.  
2. Press the Mode button to enter DAB mode.  
3. Press the Menu/Back button to enter the main DAB menu.  
4. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until "Timed Recordings" is  
highlighted on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select  
control to confirm the selection.  
5. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until "Recording 1 of 12" is  
highlighted on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select  
control to enter setup.  
6. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the required timer  
(1-12). Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
continued on next page  
7. RotatetheTuning/Selectcontroluntilthedayoptionishighlighted  
on the display. To adjust the day option setting press the Select/  
Tuning control. By default, record timers are be set to "Off".  
Each of the 12 timers can be set to one of the following modes:-  
- Will disable the timer  
- Will record at one time only  
- Will record every day  
- Will record once every week  
- Will record on weekdays (Monday - Friday)  
- Will record on Saturday and Sunday  
Every day  
Timer set to Once  
1. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until "Once" is highlighted on  
the display. Press and release theTuning/Select control.  
2. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until the date is highlighted on  
the display. Press and release theTuning/Select control to enter  
date setup.  
3. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the required date.  
Press and release theTuning/Select control.  
Note: Your radio allows recording to be scheduled 60 days ahead of  
current date.  
continued on next page  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
4. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until the hour digits are  
highlighted on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select  
5. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the required hour.  
Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
6. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until the minute digits are  
highlighted on the display. Press and release theTuning/Select  
7. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the required minute.  
Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
8. RotatetheTuning/Selectcontroluntilthedurationhourdigitsare  
highlighted on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select  
9. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the required hour.  
Press and release theTuning/Select control.  
10. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until the duration minute digits  
arehighlightedonthedisplay. PressandreleasetheTuning/Select  
11. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the required minute.  
Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
continued on next page  
12. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until the station is highlighted  
on the display. Press and release theTuning/Select control.  
13. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the required station.  
Press and release theTuning/Select control.  
14. Press the Menu/Back button or select the "Back..." option to exit  
back a menu or screen.  
Timer set to Every day  
1. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until "Every day" is highlighted  
on the display. Press and release theTuning/Select control.  
2. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until the hour digits are  
highlighted on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select  
3. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the required hour.  
Press and release theTuning/Select control.  
4. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until the minute digits are  
highlighted on the display. Press and release theTuning/Select  
5. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the required minute.  
Press and release theTuning/Select control.  
continued on next page  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
6. RotatetheTuning/Selectcontroluntilthedurationhourdigitsare  
highlighted on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select  
7. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the required hour.  
Press and release theTuning/Select control.  
8. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until the duration minute digits  
arehighlightedonthedisplay. PressandreleasetheTuning/Select  
9. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the required minute.  
Press and release theTuning/Select control.  
10. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until the station is highlighted  
on the display. Press and release theTuning/Select control.  
11. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the required station.  
Press and release theTuning/Select control.  
12. Press the Menu/Back button or select the "Back..." option to exit  
back a menu or screen.  
continued on next page  
Timer set to Weekly  
1. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until "Weekly" is highlighted on  
the display. Press and release theTuning/Select control.  
2. RotatetheTuning/Selectcontroluntiltheweekdayishighlighted  
on the display. Press and release theTuning/Select control.  
3. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the required week  
day. Press and release theTuning/Select control.  
4. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until the hour digits are  
highlighted on the display. Press and release theTuning/Select  
5. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the required hour.  
Press and release theTuning/Select control.  
6. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until the minute digits are  
highlighted on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select  
7. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the required minute.  
Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
continued on next page  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
8. RotatetheTuning/Selectcontroluntilthedurationhourdigitsare  
highlighted on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select  
9. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the required hour.  
Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
10. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until the duration minute digits  
arehighlightedonthedisplay. PressandreleasetheTuning/Select  
11. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the required minute.  
Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
12. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until the station is highlighted  
on display. Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
13. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the required station.  
Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
14. Press the Menu/Back button or select the "Back..." option to exit  
back a menu or screen.  
continued on next page  
Timer set to Weekdays  
1. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until "weekdays" is highlighted  
on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
2. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until the hour digits are  
highlighted on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select  
3. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the required hour.  
Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
4. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until the minute digits are  
highlighted on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select  
5. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the required minute.  
Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
6. RotatetheTuning/Selectcontroluntilthedurationhourdigitsare  
highlighted on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select  
7. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the required hour.  
Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
continued on next page  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
8. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until the duration minute digits  
arehighlightedonthedisplay. PressandreleasetheTuning/Select  
9. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the required minute.  
Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
10. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until the station is highlighted  
on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
11. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the required station.  
Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
12. Press the Menu/Back button or select the "Back..." option to exit  
back a menu or screen.  
Timer set to weekends  
1. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until "Weekends" is highlighted  
on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
2. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until the hour digits are  
highlighted on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select  
3. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the hour digits . Press  
and release the Tuning/Select control.  
continued on next page  
4. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until the minute digits are  
highlighted on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select  
5. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the required minute.  
Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
6. RotatetheTuning/Selectcontroluntilthedurationhourdigitsare  
highlighted on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select  
7. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the required hour.  
Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
8. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until the duration minute digits  
arehighlightedonthedisplay. PressandreleasetheTuning/Select  
9. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the required minute.  
Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
continued on next page  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
10. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until the station is highlighted.  
Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
11. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the required station.  
Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
12. Press the Menu/Back button or select the "Back..." option to exit  
back a menu or screen.  
Note: Once the timed record function has been set the timer  
icon will flash for the duration of the recording.  
If no SD card is inserted the warning message "Memory card not  
detected" will appear.  
If your radio is in standby mode at the selected time the recording  
icon will flash and the timed recording will be performed silently  
in the background.  
If your radio is switched on at the selected time the recording icon  
will flash  
and the radio will tune to the station specified for the  
timed recording.  
SD Card Format  
an SD card formatted on another device to be re-formatted for use on your  
radio. The SD card can be formatted in DAB, FM and Playlist mode.  
1. Insert an SD card into the slot.  
2. Press the Menu/Back button to enter the main menu.  
3. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until "Settings" is highlighted  
on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select control the  
settings menu will appear on the display.  
4. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until "Format memory card" is  
highlighted on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select  
continued on next page  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
5. Rotate the Tuning Select control until "FORMAT MEMORY  
CARD" is highlighted on the display.  
6. Press the Tuning/Select control, the screen will show "card  
formatting" and the disc will be formatted and the display will  
show "SD card formatted" and the radio will return to the previous  
7. If you do not wish to format your SD card rotate the Tuning/Se-  
lect control until "Back" is selected on the display or press the  
Menu/Back button.  
8. The radio will return to the previous screen.  
Dynamic Range Control (DRC) settings - DAB  
DRC can make quieter sounds easier to hear when your radio is used  
in a noisy environment.  
1. Press the Mode button until the DAB waveband is selected.  
2. Press the Menu/Back button, the main Menu screen will be  
3. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until "Settings" is highlighted  
on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
4. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until "Radio" is highlighted on  
the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
5. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until "DAB DRC" is highlighted  
on the display. Press and release theTuning/Select control.  
6. To enable DRC rotate the Tuning/Select control until "Auto" is  
shown on the display. To disable DRC rotate the Tuning/Select  
the Tuning/Select control.  
7. Press the Menu/Back button or select the "Back..." option to exit  
back a menu or screen.  
Note: Not all DAB broadcasts are able to use the DRC function. If the  
broadcast does not support DRC, then the DRC setting in the radio  
will have no effect.  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
File playback  
The playlist mode displays the files on the current memory card. It  
displays the recording name on the first line and the file creation  
details on the second line.  
1. Ensure your SD card is inserted correctly (the label must be  
towards the back of the radio with gold contacts inserted first).  
2. Press the Mode button until the Play list mode is selected  
3. A list of the recordings on your SD card will be displayed.  
4. You can scroll through the list using the Tuning/Select control.  
To play all files  
1. Press the Play/Pause button.  
2. Repeatedly press the Repeat mode button until "  
" is shown  
on the display.  
3. Allyourplaylistleswillbeplayedinlistorderfromtherstselected  
Note: The RD-41 can playback MP3 and WMAles encoded at up to 192k  
bits per second. Files using higher rates may sometimes be playable.  
continued on next page  
Repeat all files  
1. Press the Play/Pause button.  
2. RepeatedlypresstheRepeatmodebuttonuntil"  
on the display.  
3. All your playlist files will be played in list order. The entire list will  
be repeated from the selected file.  
Play files in random order  
1. Press the Play/Pause button.  
2. Repeatedly press the Repeat mode button until "  
" is  
shown on the display.  
3. All your playlist files will be played in random order.  
Repeat files in random order  
1. Press the Play/Pause button.  
2. Repeatedly press the Repeat mode button until "  
" is  
shown on the display.  
3. Your playlist files will be repeated in random order.  
continued on next page  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
Play single files  
1. Press the Play/Pause button.  
2. Repeatedly press the Repeat mode button until "  
" is  
shown on the display.  
3. The selected file will be played once.  
Repeat a single file  
1. Press the Play/Pause button.  
2. Repeatedly press the Repeat mode button until "  
" is  
shown on the display.  
3. The selected file will be played repeatedly.  
Fast forward files  
1. Press the Fast Forward button to skip to the next track in the  
2. While a track is playing press and hold down the Fast Forward  
button until the desired part of the track is reached.  
continued on next page  
Rewind files  
1. Press the Rewind button to skip back to the previous track in the  
2. While a track is playing press and hold down the Rewind button  
until the desired part of the track is reached.  
Stop playing files  
1. Press the Stop button and the track will stop playing and the  
display will return to the playlist.  
Delete files  
1. From the playlist menu rotate the Tuning/Select control until the  
track for deletion is highlighted on the display.  
2. Press the Delete button the display will prompt you to delete this file.  
3. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until "DELETE THIS FILE" is  
highlighted. Then press the Tuning/Select control. The selected  
track will be deleted from the SD card.  
To exit the playlist menu  
1. To exit the playlist mode, stop playback and then press the Mode  
button to change to either DAB or FM mode.  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
Using the Electronic Programme Guide (EPG)  
program information similar to that provided for digital TV broadcasts.  
The EPG typically provides program information for up to seven days  
in advance.  
When used for the first time your radio's EPG will be empty. After  
a few minutes use in DAB mode the guide will begin to fill up with  
information for programs contained within the currently tuned DAB  
multiplex (where broadcast). This is indicated by the flashing EPG  
icon. The EPG icon will stop flashing when data for the currently  
selected station has been completed.  
When powered via theAC adaptor and set to standby mode your radio  
will automatically search all available multiplexes and download EPG  
data in the background.  
Note: Not all stations or multiplexes have EPG data available.  
Recording using the EPG requires a suitable SD card to be installed  
in the radio (see page 16).  
1. Press the Mode button until the DAB waveband is selected.  
2. Press the EPG button. This displays the programme guide for  
the current station. The current program on that station will have  
> symbol displayed next to it.  
3. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to scroll between the various  
stations. To select the desired station press the Tuning/Select  
4. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to scroll down the various  
programs until the desired program is highlighted.  
continued on next page  
5. The EPG may contain additional information describing the  
program. To view this information press the Tuning/Select  
6. If there is more text than can fit onto the screen rotate the  
Tuning/Select control to scroll the display.  
7. Press the Menu/Back button to view the program listing.  
8. If you wish to record the program press the Record button. The  
record symbol  
will appear next to the selected program. The  
selected program will be added to the Record timer list.  
9. To cancel a recording scroll to the station set to record and press  
the Record button. The record symbol  
the display.  
will be removed from  
10. ProgramssettorecordinEPGalsoappearinlistoftimedrecordings.  
Up to 12 different timed recordings are permitted.  
Note: Once the EPG recording has been set the timer record  
will appear in the display. The timed record icon  
will flash for the duration of the recording.  
If your radio is in standby mode at the selected time the recording  
icon will flash and the timed recording will be performed silently  
in the background.  
If your radio is switched on at the selected time the recording icon  
will flash  
and the radio will tune to the station specified for the  
timed recording.  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
Operating your radio - FM auto search  
1. Fully extend the telescopic aerial.  
2. Press the Power/Standby button to switch on your radio.  
3. Press the Mode button until the FM mode is selected.  
4. Press the Menu/Back button, the main Menu screen will be  
5. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until "Stations" is highlighted  
on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
6. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until "Autoscan" is highlighted  
on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
7. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until "FM band" is highlighted  
on the display.  
8. Press and release the Tuning/Select control, a station scan of  
the FM waveband will be carried out and your radio will play the  
first station in the FM station list.  
9. ThescancanbecancelledatanytimebypressingtheMenu/Back  
Operating your radio - FM manual tune  
1. Fully extend the telescopic aerial.  
2. Press the Power/Standby button to switch on your radio.  
3. Press the Mode button until the FM mode is selected.  
4. Press the Menu/Back button, the main FM Menu screen will be  
5. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until "Stations" is highlighted  
on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
6. RotatetheTuning/Selectcontroluntil"Manualtune"ishighlighted  
on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
7. Rotate the Tuning/Select control clockwise to tune up in fre-  
quency or rotate the Tuning control anti-clockwise to tune down  
in frequency. The frequency will increase or decrease in 50 kHz  
8. Adjust the Volume, Bass and Treble controls to the required  
9. To exit the clock setup press the Menu/Back button.  
Note: Manual tuning can also be accessed simply by pressing and holding  
the Tuning/Select control while tuned to an FM station with the radio  
station name / frequency displayed.  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
Presetting stations - DAB and FM  
There are 6 memory presets for each of the 2 wavebands.  
1. Press the Power/Standby button switch on the radio.  
2. Tune to the required station as previously described.  
3. Press and hold down the required Preset button until the display  
shows"Presetstored".The stationwillbestoredunderthechosen  
preset button. Repeat this procedure for the remaining presets.  
4. Stationsstoredinpresetmemoriesmaybeoverwrittenbyfollowing  
the above procedure.  
Recalling a preset station - DAB and FM  
1. Press the Power/Standby button to switch on the radio.  
2. Select the required waveband.  
3. Momentarily press the required Preset button, your radio will  
tune to the station stored in preset memory.  
Clock settings  
Your radio's clock and date is by default automatically set when first tuned  
to a DAB station. The clock display will be 24hr format. You have two clock  
setting options, you can either select the clock to automatically update  
from DAB or FM broadcasts, or you can set the clock manually.  
Setting the clock automatically  
1. Press the Mode button until the desired waveband is reached.  
2. Press the Menu/Back button, the main Menu screen will be  
3. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until "Settings" is highlighted  
on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
4. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until "Clock" is highlighted on  
the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
5. Press and release the Tuning/Select control to enter the clock  
6. RotatetheTuning/Selectcontroluntil"Autoupdate"ishighlighted  
on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
7. To exit the clock setup press the Menu/Back button or select the  
"Back..." option to exit back a menu or screen.  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
Setting the clock manually  
1. Press the Mode button until the desired waveband is reached.  
2. Press the Menu/Back button, the main Menu screen will be  
3. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until "Settings" is highlighted  
on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
4. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until "Clock" is highlighted on  
the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
5. Press and release the Tuning/Select control to enter the clock  
set options.  
6. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until "Manual set" is selected  
on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
7. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to highlight the hour digits.  
Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
8. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the required hour.  
Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
continued on next page  
Setting the clock manually cont.  
9. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to highlight the minute digits.  
Press and release the Tuning/Select control to adjust the min-  
10. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the required minute.  
Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
11. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to highlight the GMT offset.  
Press and release the Tuning/Select control to adjust the GMT  
offset. GMT offset is used to control EPG recordings and is only  
required when the clock is set manually.  
12. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the required offset.  
Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
13. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to highlight the date. Press and  
release the Tuning/Select control to adjust the date setting.  
14. RotatetheTuning/Selectcontroltoselecttherequireddate.Press  
and release the Tuning/Select control to confirm the selection.  
15. Press the Menu/Back button or select the "Back..." option to  
exit back a menu or screen. Repeat twice more to exit the menu  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
Your radio has twelve separate alarms which can be set to wake you to  
either radio, playlist or beep type alarm. Each alarm can be set to sound  
once, every day, weekly, weekdays or weekends. In the event of a power  
interruption your radio has a built in memory chip that will maintain all your  
alarm settings when the power is restored.  
Note: Alarm time format (24 hour). The clock must have been set  
automatically or manually before alarms will operate.  
To exit the alarm setup at any time press the Menu/back button.  
1. Press the Menu/Back button, the main Menu screen will be  
2. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until "Alarms" is highlighted  
on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select control to  
enter the alarm setup.  
3. RotatetheTuning/Selectcontroluntil"Alarm1of12"ishighlighted  
on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select control to  
enter setup.  
continued on next page  
Alarms cont.  
4. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the required alarm  
(1 - 12). Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
5. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until the alarm day option is  
highlighted on the display. The default day option will be "Off".  
Press and release theTuning/Select control to enter setup.  
Your alarm can be set to sound once, every day, weekly,  
weekdays, weekends or off.  
- Will disable this alarm  
- Will sound at one time only  
Every day  
- Will sound everyday  
- Will sound on one day each week  
- Will sound on weekdays (Monday - Friday)  
- Will sound only on Saturday and Sunday  
6. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the required alarm  
day option above.  
continued on next page  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
Alarm set to Once  
1. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until "Once" is highlighted on  
the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
2. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until the date is highlighted on  
the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select control to enter  
date setup.  
3. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the required date.  
Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
4. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until the hour digits are high-  
lighted on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select  
5. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the required hour.  
Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
6. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until the minute digits are  
highlighted on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select  
7. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the required minute.  
Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
continued on next page  
8. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until the alarm mode is high-  
lighted on the display. Press the Tuning/Select control.  
9. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select required alarm mode.  
Your alarm can be set to either buzzer, station name or track from  
playlist. Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
10. Press the Menu/Back button or select the "Back..." option to exit  
back a menu or screen.  
Alarm set to Every day  
1. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until "Every day" is highlighted  
on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
2. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until the hour digits are high-  
lighted on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select  
3. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the required hour.  
Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
4. Rotate theTuning/Select control until the minute digits are  
highlighted on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select  
5. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the required minute.  
Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
continued on next page  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
6. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until the alarm mode is highlighted  
on the display. Press the Tuning/Select control.  
7. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select required alarm mode.  
Your alarm can be set to either buzzer, station name or track from  
playlist. Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
8. Press the Menu/Back button or select the "Back..." option to exit  
back a menu or screen.  
Alarm set to Weekly  
1. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until "Weekly" is highlighted on  
the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
2. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until the day is highlighted on  
the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select control to enter  
day setup.  
3. RotatetheTuning/Selectcontroltoselecttherequiredday.Press  
and release the Tuning/Select control.  
4. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until the hour digits are high-  
lighted on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select  
5. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the required hour.  
Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
continued on next page  
6. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until the minute digits are  
highlighted on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select  
7. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the required minute.  
Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
8. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until the alarm mode is high-  
lighted on the display. Press the Tuning/Select control.  
9. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select required alarm mode.  
Your alarm can be set to either buzzer, station name or track from  
playlist. Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
10. Press the Menu/Back button or select the "Back..." option to exit  
back a menu or screen.  
Alarm set to Weekdays  
1. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until "Weekdays" is highlighted  
on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
2. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until the hour digits are high-  
lighted on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select  
continued on next page  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
3. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the required hour.  
Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
4. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until the minute digits are  
highlighted on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select  
5. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the required minute.  
Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
6. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until the alarm mode is high-  
lighted on the display. Press the Tuning/Select control.  
7. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select required alarm mode.  
Your alarm can be set to either buzzer, station name or track from  
playlist. Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
8. Press the Menu/Back button or select the "Back..." option to exit  
back a menu or screen.  
continued on next page  
Alarm set to Weekends  
1. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until "Weekends" is highlighted  
on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
2. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until the hour digits are high-  
lighted on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select  
3. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the required hour.  
Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
4. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until the minute digits are  
highlighted on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select  
5. RotatetheTuning/Selectcontroltoselecttherequiredminute.Press  
and release the Tuning/Select control.  
6. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until the alarm mode is high-  
lighted on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select  
7. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select required alarm mode.  
Your alarm can be set to either buzzer, station name or track from  
playlist. Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
8. Press the Menu/Back button or select the "Back..." option to exit  
back a menu or screen.  
continued on next page  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
Alarms cont.  
Once an alarm has been set the radio alarm or buzzer alarm icon  
will appear in the display. The alarm will sound at the selected  
times and will sound for 60 minutes unless cancelled. While the  
alarm is sounding the alarm icon will flash in the display.  
Cancelling alarms  
1. Whilst an alarm is sounding it can be cancelled by pressing the  
On/Standby button or the Tuning/Select control. Unless the  
alarm was set to sound once only, it will then sound again at the  
next scheduled time.  
Snooze function  
1. The radio or buzzer alarm can be silenced for 7 minutes by  
pressing any of the preset buttons 1-6, or any button except  
the On/Stanby button. This sequence can be repeated during  
the 60 minute alarm period.  
2. While the alarm is temporarily suspended the Snooze symbol will  
appear in the display.  
3. In order to cancel the Snooze function, press the On/Standby  
button once.  
Sleep timer  
Your radio can be set to turn off after a preset time has elapsed. The  
sleep timer can be adjusted between 5 and 90 minutes in 5 minute  
1. Press the Mode button until the desired waveband is selected.  
2. Press the Menu/Back button, the main Menu screen will be  
3. RotatetheTuning/Selectcontroluntil"Sleeptimer"ishighlighted  
on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
"Off" will show on the display.  
4. Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
5. Rotate the Tuning/Select control to select the desired sleep  
time from the range 5 minutes up to 90 minutes, or select OFF  
to permanently cancel the sleep timer. Press and release the  
Tuning/Select control to confirm selection.  
6. Press the Menu/back button or select the "Back..." option to exit  
the sleep timer.  
7. Your radio will switch off after the preset sleep time has elapsed.  
To cancel the sleep function before the preset time has elapsed,  
press and release the Power/standby button.  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
Clear station list  
Clearing the station list will clear both the FM and DAB stations from  
the station data base.  
1. Press the Mode button until the desired waveband is selected.  
2. Press the Menu/Back button, the main Menu screen will be  
3. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until "Stations" is highlighted  
on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
4. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until "Clear station list" is  
highlighted on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select  
5. The radio will display "Are You Sure?" Rotate the Tuning/Select  
Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
6. The stations in the station data base will be deleted.  
7. If you do not wish to clear the station list press the Menu/Back  
button or select the "Back..." option to exit back a menu or  
Audio mode FM  
On the FM band if a station being received is weak some hiss may be  
audible. This hiss can normally be eliminated or reduced by forcing  
the radio to play the station in mono  
1. Press the Mode button until the FM waveband is selected.  
2. Press the Menu/Back button, the main Menu screen will be  
3. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until "Settings" is highlighted  
on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
4. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until "Radio" is highlighted on  
the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
5. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until "FM stereo (auto)" is  
highlighted on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select  
6. To reduce the hiss rotate the Tuning/Select control until "FM  
mono" is highlighted on the display. Press and release the Tun-  
ing/Select button your radio will switch to mono mode.  
7. To return to stereo mode press and release the Tuning/Select  
control and rotate until the display shows "FM stereo (auto)".  
Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
8. Press the Menu/back button or select the "Back..." option to  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
Display settings - Backlight  
Enables the backlight to be set to one of the following settings..-100%,  
50%, 10% and off.  
1. Press the Mode button until the desired waveband is selected.  
2. Press the Menu/Back button, the main Menu screen will be  
3. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until "Settings" is highlighted  
on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
4. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until "Display" is highlighted  
on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
5. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until "Backlight" is highlighted  
on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
6. To adjust the backlight setting, rotate the Tuning/Select control  
until the required backlight setting is highlighted on the display.  
7. Press the Menu/back button or select the "Back..." option to  
Display settings - Contrast  
The display contrast can be changed if needed to suit lighting  
1. Press the Mode button until the desired waveband is selected.  
2. Press the Menu/Back button, the main Menu screen will be  
3. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until "Settings" is highlighted  
on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
4. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until "Display" is highlighted  
on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
5. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until "Contrast" is highlighted  
on the display. Press the Tuning Select control.  
6. To adjust the contrast rotate the Tuning/Select control. Press  
and release the Tuning/Select control to confirm selection.  
7. The display will return to the previous screen.  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
Factory reset  
This setting clears all station presets, service list, EPG and returns all  
variable settings to their factory defaults.  
1. Press the Mode button until the desired waveband is selected.  
2. Press the Menu/Back button, the main Menu screen will be  
3. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until "Settings" is highlighted  
on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
4. RotatetheTuning/Selectcontroluntil"Factoryreset"ishighlighted  
on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select control.  
5. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until "FACTORY RESET" is  
highlighted on the display. Press and release the Tuning/Select  
6. The display will show resetting and after a few seconds your radio  
will enter DAB autotune.  
7. If you do not wish to carry out a factory reset rotate the Tuning/  
Select control until "Back" is selected on the display.  
8. The radio will return to the previous screen.  
In case of malfunction due to electrostatic discharge, just reset the  
product (reconnect of power source may be required) to resume  
normal position.  
Connecting to an external amplifier or recorder  
Your radio has a line-level audio output which you can use to connect your  
radio to an external amplifier or recorder. This may be a stand-alone unit  
or it may be part of your existing hi-fi system.  
A signal is available from the line output whenever the radio is able to  
play from the loudspeaker or headphones, regardless of the volume  
control setting on the radio.  
Recording from your radio  
Your radio has twelve alarm timers which can be set to switch on your radio  
at a preset time and day, tuned to a particular station. See theAlarms section  
for details on how to set timers (page 43).  
Note: The timer record function is for personal use only. Your radio is unable  
to start and stop recordings made by external devices.  
Headphone socket  
1. A 3.5mm Headphone Socket located on the rear of your radio is  
provided for use with either headphones or an earpiece. Inserting  
a plug automatically mutes the internal loudspeaker.  
2. When in use, the headphone symbol  
appears in the display.  
IMPORTANT: Excessive sound pressure from earphones and head-  
phones can cause hearing loss.  
continued on next page  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
Auxiliary input  
Your radio has an auxiliary (line-level) audio input which you can use  
to allow your radio to be used as an external amplifier for MP3 players,  
compact disc players and similar devices.  
Simply connect the external audio source to the radio's line input  
socket (on the back of the radio) using a 3.5mm stereo plug. When  
the plug is inserted the radio display will automatically be blanked.  
Use the volume and bass and treble controls on your radio to adjust  
the sound level as needed. Note that you may also need to set the  
output level on your external device to a higher level than used for  
normal listening.  
of your radio.  
Lock Switch  
The lock switch located on the under-side of your radio is used to  
prevent unintentional operation.  
1. Slide the Lock switch to the "locked position", the keylock symbol  
will appear in the display. The Power/Standby and all other  
buttons will be disabled. This will prevent accidental operation  
when the radio is packed in a suitcase. To release the Lock switch  
move the switch to the "unlocked position", the keylock symbol  
will be removed from the display.  
Standby display  
When your radio is in standby mode the time and date will be dis-  
played and the radio will check all available DAB stations for EPG  
1. Ifyourradioismainsoperatedandswitchedon, press andrelease  
the Power/Standby button to switch your clock radio to  
standby mode.  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
USB connection  
Your radio has a USB connection to connect your PC. The usb can be  
used to copy files to and from your SD card and also for any software  
updates available.  
When the USB connection is used to link your radio to your PC the SD  
card should appear as a removable disk drive. Radio recordings are  
held in a folder called "RADIO". MP3 and WMA files may be stored  
in other folders which you may create.  
If your PC already has an SD card reader, you will find that file transfer  
is faster when using this than when using the USB connection to  
your radio.  
Your radio uses the FAT 16 format for storing files on the SD card.  
Do not allow this radio to be exposed to water, steam or sand. Do not  
leave your radio where excessive heat could cause damage. It is recom-  
mended that the DAB band be used wherever possible as better results  
in terms of quality and freedom from interference will usually be obtained  
than on the FM band.  
50Hz via adaptor.  
6 x IEC size LR20 (D size)  
Battery Life  
Approx. 50hrs of listening when used for 4  
hours a day at normal volume using alkaline  
batteries. (PausePlus storage and Backlight off)  
Frequency Coverage  
87.5 - 108MHz  
174.928 - 239.200MHz  
The radio shall not be exposed to dripping or splashing and that  
no objects filled with liquids, such as vases, shall be placed on  
the radio.  
It is recommended to operate the product such that there is a  
minimum distance (10cm recommended) to adjacent objects in  
order to ensure good ventilation.  
The ventilation of the product should not be restricted by covering  
it or its ventilation openings with items such as newspapers, table-  
cloths, curtains etc.  
No naked flame sources such as lighted candles should be placed  
on the product.  
Circuit Features  
2 x 79mm diameter 4ohms  
Output Power  
Headphone socket  
Line output  
3 Watts max  
3.5mm dia stereo  
3.5mm dia stereo  
3.5mm dia stereo  
Line input  
Aerial System  
Telescopic aerial  
Telescopic aerial  
of temperature. Avoid leaving the unit in cars, on window sills in  
direct sunlight etc.  
The radio must be used in a moderate climate.  
The Company reserves the right to amend the specification without notice.  
If you need any further advice, please call our Technical Helpline on :-  
020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri)  
This instrument is guaranteed for twelve months from the date of delivery to the original owner against failure due to faulty workmanship or component  
breakdown, subject to the procedure stated below. Should any component or part fail during this guarantee period it will be repaired or replaced free  
of charge.  
The guarantee does not cover:  
1. Damage resulting from incorrect use.  
2. Consequential damage.  
3. Receivers with removed or defaced serial numbers.  
N.B. Damaged or broken telescopic aerials will not be replaced under guarantee.  
Any claim under this guarantee should be made through the dealer from whom the instrument was purchased. It is likely that your Roberts' dealer  
will be able to attend to any defect quickly and efficiently but should it be necessary the dealer will return the instrument to the Company’s service  
department for attention. In the event that it is not possible to return the instrument to the Roberts' dealer from whom it was purchased, please contact  
Roberts Radio Technical Services at the address shown on the rear of this manual.  
These statements do not affect the statutory rights of a consumer.  
97-99 Worton Road  
Isleworth Middlesex  
TW7 6EG  
Technical Helpline :- 020 8758 0338 (Mon-Fri during office hours)  
Issue 1  

Q See DVR QT4 User Guide
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