Roland Crib Toy mv8000 User Guide

Getting the Most from Sample RAM  
© 2005, 2006 Roland Corporation U.S.  
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in  
any form without the written permission of Roland Corporation U.S.  
How Sample RAM Gets Jammed Up  
Experimenting with Samples  
To learn about sampling on the MV-8000, check out the following MV-8000  
Workshop booklets: Sampling, Auto Chop, Importing a Sample from CD,  
Direct Recording, Spreading a Sample Across the Pads.  
The MV-8000 ships with a generous 128 MB of sample RAM,  
and you can expand it all the way up to 512 MB—see the  
MV-8000 Owner’s Manual for details.  
To learn more about what sample RAM is, see the MV-8000 Sampling  
Workshop booklet.  
A similar thing can happen if you’re fooling around  
with making samples. Even when you decide not  
to use a sample, it’s still in sample RAM unless you  
stop and delete it.  
No matter how much RAM you have, you may find yourself in  
a situation like this: you’re only using a few patches or audio  
phrases in your project, but you find you’ve run out of room for  
new patches or samples. Here’s how this can happen.  
As with an unwanted patch, you can get rid of each of these  
samples, one-by-one. You’d go to the MV-8000’s Sample  
Manager in the PROJECT menu, select the sample, click  
Command, and use the Delete option. Again, this can take  
some time if you’ve got lots of samples to toss.  
Hunting for the Right Patch  
To learn how to load patches stored on your hard drive, see the  
MV-8000 Loading Patches Workshop booklet.  
Edited Copies  
When you’re searching for the patches  
you want to use in a project, each patch  
you check out has to be loaded into  
the MV-8000 before you can hear it.  
When you do this, the patch’s samples  
are loaded into sample RAM.  
Destructive sample editing operations—such as  
normalizing, truncating, and so on—offer you  
the choice of replacing a sample with the edited  
version, or of creating a new, edited copy. If you  
make copies of samples during editing, you may  
wind up with multiple versions of the same sample,  
even though you’re only actually using one.  
If you decide you don’t want to use a patch, and move on to  
the next one you want to check out, the first patch’s samples  
remain in sample RAM, taking up space. Try out a bunch of  
patches, and you can see how lots of space in sample RAM  
gets used up fast.  
Wasted Notes  
If you load an instrument that has lots of  
samples running up and down the pads,  
and you’re only playing a few notes, all  
of its extra, unplayed samples tag along,  
taking up space in sample RAM.  
You can avoid this problem by manually deleting a patch along  
with its samples after you’ve checked it out. (We describe how  
to do this in detail in the MV-8000 Loading Patches Workshop  
booklet.) Of course, it means stopping your patch search over  
and over to take care of this housekeeping.  
Sticky Stuff  
How to Optimize a Project  
Let’s say you start a project one day and  
try out a lot of patches, or you make a  
lot of samples you decide not to use.  
Eventually, you find the sounds you want  
and get down to business. At the end of  
the day, you save your project.  
1. Press PROJECT and select Sample Manager  
from the PROJECT menu—this opens up the  
Here’s the thing: when you save the project, all the unused  
stuff gets saved, too. The next time you load the project, all  
of this unwanted data gets loaded right alongside the good  
stuff. Ba-boom! Suddenly you’re out of room for new patches  
or samples.  
The Solution: Optimization  
2. Press the MENU button to display the Sample  
Manager’s MENU pop-up.  
The MV-8000 offers a special operation that trims away  
everything in sample RAM that you’re not using. It’s called  
“optimizing” a project.  
Optimization removes:  
samples that belong to patches you’re not using.  
individual samples you’ve made that you’re not using.  
unused copies of samples you’re using.  
3. Select Optimize and click Select—the MV-8000 displays a  
warning to remind you that anything in sample RAM that’s  
not currently being used is about to get tossed out.  
samples in patches for notes you’re not playing.  
Optimizing can’t read your mind, so it doesn’t know if you intend to use  
something in sample RAM that you’re not using yet. It searches for data  
that’s not being used now, and deletes it. Therefore, don’t optimize your  
project if you’ve got stuff in sample RAM you may want to use later on. (Of  
course, you can always reload discarded patches from your hard drive later  
on if you need to.)  
4. Click Yes to proceed.  
5. When optimization’s complete, save your project by  
selecting Save Project from the PROJECT menu.  
The End  
We hope you’ve found this workshop helpful. Keep an eye  
out for other MV-8000 Workshop booklets, all available for  
downloading at  
For the latest MV-8000 updates and support tools, visit the Roland U.S.  
Web site at If you need personal assistance, call our  
amazing Product Support team at 323-890-3745.  

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