w w w .ro w e n t a u s a .c o m
When using your appliance, basic precautions should always be followed,
including the following:
Read all instructions before use.
โข Use appliance for its intended use only.
โข This appliance is not designed to be used by people (including children)
with a physical, sensory or m ental im pairm ent, or people without knowledge
or experience, unless they are supervised or given prior instructions
concerning the use of the appliance by som eone responsible for their safety.
โข Children m ust be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the
โข Do not leave appliance unattended while plugged in or while it is still hot.
โข Do not operate any appliance with a dam aged cord, plug or steam hose or
after the appliance m alfunctions, or is dropped or dam aged in any m anner. โข
โข To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not disassem ble or attem pt to repair
the appliance. Return appliance to nearest authorized service center for
exam ination, repair or adjustm ent.
โข To reduce the risk of contact with hot water emitting from steam vents, check
appliance before each use by holding it away from body and operating.
โข Steam only in an up and down vertical m otion. Never use steam head in a
horizontal position or tilt into a backward position, this m ay result in water
โข To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not im m erse the appliance in water
or other liquids.
โข Appliance should always be turned off before plugging or unplugging.
Never yank the cord to disconnect from outlet, instead grasp plug and pull to
โข Do not allow cord to touch hot surfaces. Let appliance cool com pletely
before putting away.
โข Loop cord loosely under the appliance when storing.
โข Do not let power cord contact sharp edges or hot surfaces.
โข Do not try to fasten the hose adapter during operation. Scalding m ay occur
if the hose adapter is rem oved while using the appliance.
โข Always disconnect appliance from electrical outlet when filling with water,
em ptying or when not in use.
โข Do not attem pt to hang up the unit using the hose.
โข The use of foreign accessory attachm ents that are not supplied by Rowenta
is not recom m ended and m ay result in fire, electric shock or personal injury.
โข Burns could occur from touching hot parts, hot water or steam . Use care
when you em pty a steam appliance. There m ay be hot water in the reservoir.
โข Do not direct steam at people, animals or steam clothes while they are being
โข Your Rowenta appliance is intended for household use only.
โข This is a floor appliance and should never be carried while in use.
โข This is a 1300, 1400 or 1500 watt appliance. To avoid a circuit overload, do
not operate a high wattage appliance on the sam e circuit.
โข If an extension cord is absolutely necessary, the m arked electrical rating
should be at least as great as the electrical rating of the appliance. Cords rated
for less am perage m ay overheat. Care should be taken to arrange the cord so
that it cannot be pulled or tripped over.
โข Do not cut or attem pt to extend the steam ing hose.
1 . S te a m h e a d
2 . Eje ct b u tto n
3 . S te a m h o s e co n n e cto r
4 . S te a m h o s e
1 0 . On / Off s w itch
1 1 . Ele ctric co rd s to ra g e
(u n d e r b a s e )
5 . Ca rry h a n d le
1 2 . Up h o ls te ry b ru s h *
1 3 . Fa b ric b ru s h *
1 4 . Cre a s e a tta ch m e n t*
1 5 . Lin t p a d *
6 . Ma x w a te r le ve l
7 . S te a m h o s e w ra p p in g
8 . S te a m h e a d s to ra g e s lid e
9 . a Fillin g in le t
1 6 . Do o r h o o k*
9 . b Em p tyin g o u tle t
*depending on m odel: this is either equipm ent specific to certain m odels or
available as an optional accessory. Accessories that are not listed in this m anual
or m anufactured by other com panies are not recom m ended for use with the Pro
Com pact steam er.
Before use
Please read the instructions for use and Im p o rt a n t S a fe g u a rd s
โข Rem ove any packaging from the appliance.
โข Insert the steam hose into the hole on the
top of the unit while sliding out the eject
โข Com pletely unwind the power cord.
Filling with water
โข Your steam er has been designed to operate using untreated tap water.
If your water is very hard (check with your local water
authority) m ix tap water with store-bought bottled or
spring water in the following proportions :
-50% untreated tap water,
-50% distilled or dem ineralized water.
-or just use bottled spring water.
โข Fill with m axim um 33 ounces of water, taking care that the water does
not overflow or pass the fill line on the side of the tank.
Never overfill your steamer. Never fill it with hot water.
Im portant: Heat concentrates the elem ents contained in water during
evaporation. The types of water listed hereafter m ay contain organic
waste, m ineral or chem ical elem ents that can cause spitting, brown
staining, or prem ature wear of the appliance: water from clothes
dryers, scented or softened water, water from refrigerators, batteries,
air conditioners, rain water, boiled, filtered or bottled water. Also use
distilled or dem ineralized water only as advised above.
โข Plug in your steam er. Place your steam er on the floor
with the steam vents pointing away from the door.
โข The steam head should be hung on the door hook while
unit is heating up.
โข Press on the On / Off switch, the power indicator light
will illum inate once steam er is turned on.
โข Wait for the steam to com e out. It will take
approxim ately 21/2 m inutes.
โข Rem ove the steam er head and place
your garm ent onto the hanger head.
โข Grasp the steam head handle with the steam vents
pointing away from you. Start steam ing by touching
m aterial lightly with steam ing head and m oving in an
up/down vertical m otion. Begin at the top of the garm ent
and m ove in a downward direction. Steam with hose in an upright
position, this allows any condensation to flow back into the steam er.
Tips: Always check fabric labels for recom m endations. Test fabric
for color fastness in an unobtrusive part of the garm ent (inner
seam ). Do not touch silk or velvet with steam head. Som e articles
can be steam ed better from the underside.
If steam ing in a low position near floor, straighten hose up and out
frequently to clear condensation. If hose becom es clogged, it will
m ake a gurgling noise or the am ount of steam will be reduced.
You m ay also experience dripping if the hose becom es clogged.
Heavier fabrics m ay require repeated steam ing. Exercise caution at
all tim es.
โข During operation, the steam er hose m ay m ake a gurgling noise. This is
a norm al result of condensation. If it begins to gurgle, extend hose up
and out to m ove excess m oisture back into the base.
Warning: Never steam clothes while they are being worn. Hose
and steam head will becom e hot during use.This is norm al. Use
caution and avoid prolonged contact.
Accessories (depending on m odel)
Never touch the steam head until it cools com pletely.
Before using any of the accessories on upholstery or garm ents, be sure to
consult the m anufacturerโs labels regarding their recom m endations for
garm ent care. We also recom m end testing on an unobtrusive area.
Rem inder: When using accessories steam only in an up and down
vertical m otion. Never use the steam head in a horizontal position
and never steam with your steam head upside down.
Upholstery brush*
Be sure unit is unplugged and com pletely cool before attaching
The upholstery brush is used to aid steam penetration into
difficult or heavy fabrics for faster results.
โข Attach the upholstery brush to the steam head by lining up
the bottom of the brush with the bottom of the steam head.
Gently push the top of the brush into place on the steam
head until it clicks into place.
โข Gently brush the area to be steam ed with the grain or nap
of the fabric.
โข Rem ove the upholstery brush once unit is unplugged and com pletely
cool. Rem ove it by pressing on the tab on top of brush while pulling it
Fabric brush*
Be sure unit is unplugged and com pletely cool before attaching
The fabric brush opens weave of the fabrics for better steam penetration.
โข Attach the fabric brush to the steam head by lining up the bottom of the
brush with the bottom of the steam head. Gently push the top of the
brush into place on the steam head until it clicks into place.
โข Gently brush the area to be steam ed with the grain or nap of the fabric.
โขRem ove the fabric brush once unit is unplugged and com pletely cool by
pressing on the release tab on top of brush while pulling it forward.
*depending on m odel: this is either equipm ent specific to certain m odels or available as
an optional accessory.
Crease attachm ent*
Be sure unit is unplugged and com pletely cool before attaching
The crease attachm ent is used to m ake pant creases easily or to rem ove
stubborn wrinkles.
โข Fasten the crease attachm ent to the steam er by sliding onto the steam
head so it fits over the raised channels.
โข Gently push into place.
โข Push on the handle to open the crease attachm ent.
โข Put your fabric in the space between the crease attachm ent and the
head of the steam brush.
โข Release the handle.
โข Move the crease attachm ent in a downwards m otion starting from the
โข Once unit is unplugged and com pletely cool, rem ove the crease
attachm ent by sliding it off of the steam brush.
Lint pad*
The lint pad is a separate accessory and cannot be attached to the
steam head. You can use the lint pad independently from the steam er.
The lint pad rem oves hair, lint and anim al fur for a professional finish.
โข To use the lint pad, slowly brush the clothing with the grain or nap of
the fabric.
โข The pad can be cleaned by brushing in the opposite direction. We
recom m end cleaning on an old cloth that can be discarded.
*depending on m odel: this is either equipm ent specific to certain m odels or
available as an optional accessory.
After use
โข After using the steam er, switch the power off (power
indicator light will go out) and unplug the appliance. Wind
the power cord on its storage place under the appliance.
โข Rem ove the steam hose.
Be careful there m ay be hot water rem aining in the
steam hose after use. Always rem ove the steam hose
before em ptying your appliance.
โข Em pty the water container from the opening
shown in diagram 9b.
โข Place the steam connector back into place. Wrap the hose
around the steam er and insert the steam head onto its
housing. The head slides over the raised channels for secure
โข You can carry your steam er by its handle for easy
portability and storage.
For cord winding or transport, never turn your appliance upside down.
Em pty all water from the unit before storing it.
Clean the m ain unit with
dam p cloth. To m aintain m axim um
perform ance, your steam er m ust be descaled occasionally. The descaling
intervals will depend on the water quality and the frequency of use. The
unit should be descaled at least once a year or every 100 hours of use.
For descaling proceed as follows:
1. Unplug the unit and fill it with 1/3 white vinegar and 2/3 water.
2. Let the appliance run for 3 m inutes and do not steam any clothing with
this m ixture.
3. Switch the appliance off. Unplug it and allow to cool down for at least
30 m inutes.
4. Em pty the water over the sink. Rinse the appliance with fresh water.
5. Fill the unit with fresh water and repeat steps 2-4.
If after descaling you believe that there is still buildup in the appliance,
repeat this operation. Use a new solution of vinegar and water each
tim e you repeat steps 1 and 2.
Problem s
There is no steam .
The steam er is not
turned on.
Check that your appliance is
correctly plugged in and press the
illum inated on/off switch (on the
front of the base).
The water level is too Turn your appliance off and refill it
to the m ax line on the side of the
water tank.
The hose is kinked.
Be sure that the hose is fully unra-
There is no m ore
Unplug your steam er and refill it.
There is little steam . Your steam er has a
build-up of scale
Descale the steam er and descall at
least once a year or every 100
hours of use. If your water is hard,
increase the frequency.
because it has not
been rinsed out
The water level is too Turn your appliance off and refill it.
There is too m uch
Unplug your steam er and em pty it
Water runs through
the holes of the
steam brush.
There is condensation
in the hose.
Never use steam er in a horizontal
position. Hold the hose vertically
outstretched and wait for water to
flow back into the steam er.
The steam er takes a Your steam er has a
Rinse out the steam er at least once
a year or every 100 hours of use. If
your water is hard, increase the
build-up of scale
because it has not
been descaled
long tim e to heat.
There is too m uch
Unplug your steam er and em pty it
In t h e in t e re s t o f im p ro vin g p ro d u c t s , Ro w e n t a re s e rve s t h e
rig h t t o c h a n g e s p e c ific a t io n s w it h o u t p rio r n o t ic e .
This Rowenta product is warranted for 1 year from date of purchase
against defects in m aterial and workm anship. During this period, any
Rowenta product that, upon inspection by Rowenta, is proved
defective, will be repaired or replaced, at Rowentaยดs option, without
charge to the custom er. If a replacem ent product is sent, it will carry
the rem aining warranty of the original product. This warranty does
not apply to any defect arising from a buyerโs or userโs m isuse of the
product, negligence, failure to follow Rowentaโs instructions, use on
current or voltage other than that stam ped on the product, or
alteration or repair not authorized by Rowenta. Repair or disassem bly
by anyone other than a Rowenta authorized service center will void
the warranty.
Som e states do not allow lim itations on how long an im plied
warranty lasts or do not allow the exclusion of incidental or
consequential dam ages, so the above lim itations m ay not apply to
you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you m ay also
have other rights, which vary from state to state.
If you believe your product is defective, bring the product (or send it,
postage prepaid) along with proof of purchase to the nearest
authorized Rowenta Service Center (see below). If you send the
product, please include a letter explaining the nature of the claim ed
196 Boston Avenue
Medford, MA 02155, U.S.A.
Tel: (781) 396-0600
OFFICE LOCATION ONLY. Letters will be accepted at this address and
packages without a return authorization num ber will be refused or
forwarded to a service center. To service product see service center
inform ation below.
If your appliance needs service, ship the product to your nearest
regional service center. Be sure to put your nam e on the outside of the
shipping box (no P.O. boxes please), include a brief note describing the
issue, and include a copy of the sales receipt if the product is in
warranty. If in warranty, Rowenta will repair or replace the product at
their discretion. If the product is out of warranty, you will be advised of
the cost of repair before any work begins.
Tu rn p ik e Ap p lia n c e
California Electric
3495A Lawson Blvd.
1170G Burnett Ave.
Oceanside, NY 11572
Concord, CA 94520
Au t h o rize d Ap p lia n c e
1644 West Ogden Ave.
Downers Grove, IL 60515
Ca lifo rn ia Ele c t ric
1170G Burnett Avenue
Concord, CA 94520
autom ated service center inform ation.
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